AI Website Blocker. Block Distractions with AI.

What does Ashdeck do?
Ashdeck helps you to block distractions and boast focus instantly to be more productive
Who is the target audience of
Students, Researchers, writers, designers, entrepreneurs, marketers, developers and remote workers
Can a user use Ashdeck for free?
Absolutely yes, Ashdeck is a free open source tool for everyone who wants to be more productive
How does Ashdeck's Focus Mode enhance productivity?
Ashdeck's Focus Mode helps users overcome distractions and improve focus by enabling them to concentrate on one task at a time. It uses a Pomodoro timer to boost productivity and efficiency, allowing users to achieve desired results swiftly.
Can I set specific days and times for blocking websites in Ashdeck?
Yes, Ashdeck allows you to define your schedule by specifying the days and times for blocking sites. This feature ensures that you stay focused during designated times, reducing distractions and enhancing productivity.
What features are included in Ashdeck's Personalized Dashboard?
Ashdeck's Personalized Dashboard transforms your new tab into an inspiring workspace, offering weather updates, beautiful backgrounds, a to-do list, natural meditative sounds, an AI notepad, and motivational quotes. This dashboard facilitates efficient work habits, tracks progress and goals, and boosts productivity.