
Automated Job Application Responder AI Bot

Speed up job applications with LazyApply's Automated Job Application Responder AI Bot.
Automated Job Application Responder AI Bot
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Apply to jobs automatically with AI.

What is is a web-based platform that offers a convenient service for automating job applications across various job platforms, including Linkedin and Indeed, in the United States and Canada. With, users can streamline the application process by leveraging a single click to automatically fill out job applications and apply for thousands of jobs that match their qualifications. Additionally, the platform provides a user-friendly dashboard that allows individuals to effectively manage their job applications and track their progress. To assist users in utilizing their service, offers a comprehensive step-by-step guide on their website.

How does work? operates by utilizing the details you provide regarding your qualifications and preferences to conduct targeted searches for relevant job opportunities on platforms such as Linkedin and Indeed. Their automated system then proceeds to apply for jobs individually, mimicking the manual application process. In addition, offers a weekly consultation call, which serves to provide feedback on your progress and assist in developing improved application strategies. It is important to note that while using may save you time and effort during your job search, they do not provide any guarantees regarding job offers or interviews.

How much does cost?

Based on available information, provides users with the option to acquire a lifetime subscription at a cost of $671. This subscription model allows individuals to make a single payment and enjoy uninterrupted access to the service indefinitely. According to the claims made by, this lifetime subscription represents a substantial discount of 90% off their original price of $699. However, it is advisable to conduct your own research to verify the accuracy and reliability of this offer before making any purchasing decisions.

What are the benefits of offers several benefits to users based on the information provided:

  • Direct Profile Outreach: The platform facilitates reaching out to job opportunities by receiving profiles directly from Linkedin and Indeed, enabling users to explore potential matches.
  • Automated Job Application: Users can leverage automation to apply for a substantial number of jobs, with the capability to submit up to 150 applications per day. This feature significantly streamlines the application process.
  • Weekly Consultation Call: provides a valuable service of conducting weekly consultation calls. During these calls, users receive feedback and advice tailored to their job search, aiding in their pursuit of employment opportunities.
  • Time and Effort Saving: By utilizing, individuals can save significant time and effort in their job search. The platform's auto-fill feature populates job applications automatically, eliminating the need for repetitive form-filling for each application.
  • Increased Exposure and Interview Opportunities: Through its functionalities, aims to enhance users' exposure to potential employers. By expanding their reach and visibility, individuals may have a higher chance of securing interviews and progressing further in the hiring process.

Please note that the above benefits are based on the information provided and should be further evaluated to determine their suitability and effectiveness for individual users.

What are the limitations of

Based on the information provided, there are several limitations associated with

  • Limited Job Compatibility: The tool is only applicable for job listings that offer features such as ""easy apply"" on Linkedin or ""apply with your indeed resume"" on Indeed. This means that job opportunities without these specific application options may not be compatible with
  • Potential for Irrelevant Applications: There is a possibility that the tool may apply for jobs that are not aligned with your qualifications or preferences. This could result in submitting applications for positions that do not match your skill set or career goals.
  • Risk of Negative Image: In some cases, the automated application process may send out random or indiscriminate applications to employers. This could potentially damage your professional reputation and credibility in the job market.
  • Lack of Customer Support: There have been reports of sudden service interruptions and inadequate customer support from This may pose challenges if users encounter technical issues or require assistance with the platform.

Considering these limitations, it is important to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before deciding to use Users should carefully assess whether the tool aligns with their specific job search needs and consider potential risks involved.

Speed up job applications with LazyApply's Automated Job Application Responder AI Bot.

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