
AI Recipe Generator from Your Ingredients

Discover mouthwatering recipes instantly with FoodAI's AI Recipe Generator from Your Ingredients.
AI Recipe Generator from Your Ingredients
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Select your ingredients and get AI recipes.

What is is a web application designed to generate cooking recipes using artificial intelligence. The platform utilizes a GPT-3 model that has been trained on a dataset consisting of 1.5 million recipes. Users can input their preferred ingredients, and the AI will provide them with recipes that incorporate some of those ingredients.

How accurate are the recipes of

The accuracy of the recipes provided by can vary depending on the ingredients selected and the quality of the underlying GPT-3 model. The website lacks information on how they evaluate the accuracy or quality of the recipes. Users' feedback on Reddit has indicated that while the recipes generated by the app are creative, they may not always be realistic or feasible.

As a result, it is advisable to view as a source of inspiration rather than a definitive cooking guide. Users should exercise caution by checking the plausibility, safety, and taste of the recipes before attempting to prepare them. To ensure accuracy, it may be beneficial to compare the recipes with information from other reliable sources, such as cookbooks or reputable cooking websites.

Can I use for free?

Indeed, can be utilized at no cost, but there are certain restrictions. The website provides a 30-day complimentary trial for new users. After the trial period, a subscription fee of $0.99 per month is required to maintain access to the service.

During the free trial, users are permitted to generate up to 5 recipes per day, each with a maximum of 10 ingredients per recipe. In contrast, opting for the paid subscription eliminates these limitations and offers additional features. Subscribers gain the ability to filter recipes based on their dietary preferences, region of cuisine, and the type of recipe they desire.

To summarize, while offers a free trial, the full benefits and unrestricted access to the platform's features come with a monthly subscription fee of $0.99.

What are the benefits of offers several benefits that can enhance users' cooking experience:

  • Time-saving: The tool rapidly generates recipes based on the ingredients users currently have or wish to use, enabling them to quickly find suitable dishes without extensive searching.
  • Dietary customization: Users can cater to their specific dietary needs by filtering recipes according to preferences, such as vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and more, ensuring they find recipes that align with their dietary choices.
  • Culinary exploration: The platform expands users' culinary horizons by providing them with creative and diverse recipes from various regions across the globe. This feature allows individuals to discover new dishes and broaden their cooking skills.
  • Minimizing food waste: By suggesting recipes based on the ingredients available to users, encourages efficient use of pantry and fridge items, helping to reduce food waste.

In summary, offers time-saving solutions, dietary customization, culinary exploration, and waste reduction strategies, making it a valuable tool for cooking enthusiasts seeking convenience and inspiration in the kitchen.

What are the limitations of comes with certain limitations that users should be aware of:

  • Realism and Feasibility: The generated recipes may occasionally lack practicality or feasibility. This could include combinations of incompatible ingredients, the need for specialized or unavailable tools, or unclear instructions, which might make it difficult for users to follow the recipes effectively.
  • Safety and Health Concerns: Some recipes generated by the app may not prioritize safety or health. This could involve the use of raw or spoiled ingredients, excessive amounts of salt or sugar, or the inclusion of allergens without proper warnings, posing potential risks to users' well-being.
  • Accuracy and Consistency: Users might encounter recipes with inaccuracies or inconsistencies. This could include incorrect measurements, missing steps, or varying results from one attempt to another, leading to potential confusion during the cooking process.
  • Limited Ingredient Recognition: The AI's ability to recognize and utilize ingredients might be restricted, leading to a limited range of ingredients available for recipe generation. Consequently, this could potentially hinder the diversity and creativity of the recipes produced.
  • Paid Subscription Requirement: While the app offers free access with certain limitations, to unlock the full functionality and enjoy benefits such as unlimited recipes and additional filters, a paid subscription is required.

In conclusion, has limitations in terms of recipe realism, safety, accuracy, ingredient diversity, and access to advanced features, which users should consider before utilizing the tool.

Discover mouthwatering recipes instantly with FoodAI's AI Recipe Generator from Your Ingredients.

FoodAI Integrations

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