Creative Thought AI Starter Generator

What does IDEAIDEA do?
IDEAIDEA get's creative professionals unstuck.
Does IDEAIDEA have a free trial?
IDEAIDEA is free to try
What makes IDEAIDEA better than the competitors?
IDEAIDEA generates less predictable, more creative thought starters for creative professionals
How can IDEAIDEA help me generate more creative ideas?
IDEAIDEA is designed to inspire original ideas by providing "thought starters" that are less predictable and more creative. It utilizes an AI model to help you think laterally and veer into new creative territories, thereby offering unique perspectives to get you unstuck from a creative rut.
What pricing plans does IDEAIDEA offer for thought starters?
IDEAIDEA offers three main pricing tiers for thought starters: 300 thought starters per month for $5.99, 600 thought starters per month for $9.99, and 1000 thought starters per month for $13.99. These plans ensure flexibility based on the number of users and the volume of ideas needed. Additional customized plans can be discussed for requirements exceeding 1000 thought starters per month.
Who created IDEAIDEA and what is its mission?
IDEAIDEA is a tool created by Simple Works, a creativity company founded by Andrew Wilcox. The mission is to amplify human creativity through technology. IDEAIDEA is designed to make professional creatives more resilient and efficient by providing a unique platform that supports creative flow.