
AI Background Removal Tool

Instantly remove image backgrounds with Slazzer - the AI background removal tool. Save time and boost efficiency in just 5 seconds.
AI Background Removal Tool
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Remove background from image automatically in 5 seconds with Slazzer. Save time by letting our AI handle complex edges like hair and fur. Boost your efficiency with our desktop application and API integration. Sign up for updates and get thousands of AI-powered cutouts for all your design needs. Don't waste time manually selecting pixels, just upload and get an instant cutout. GDPR compliant.

What is is an online platform providing an automated and complimentary service dedicated to eliminating backgrounds from images. The process involves uploading images directly or via drag-and-drop onto the website, resulting in the rapid generation of a transparent background within a matter of seconds. This service is accompanied by the option to incorporate a new background or personalized design of choice. The core technology underpinning entails sophisticated artificial intelligence and computer vision algorithms, facilitating the identification and extraction of image subjects while discarding undesirable elements. Furthermore, users have the flexibility to expand the utility of by either installing their desktop application or leveraging their plugins and API to seamlessly integrate the service into various projects or workflows. Comprehensive details about can be accessed through their official website.

How accurate is the background removal of asserts that its background removal capability is characterized by a high degree of precision and swiftness on its website. However, user feedback regarding presents a mixed landscape, primarily skewing towards negative sentiment. Criticisms voiced by some users encompass instances of the tool erasing credits, unresponsiveness to emails, and eventual cessation of functionality. Conversely, there are commendations lauding the tool's convenience and time-efficient attributes. As such, the effectiveness of's background removal proficiency is contingent upon various variables, encompassing image quality, subject intricacy, and service dependability. It is advisable to conduct personal usage to ascertain its alignment with individual expectations.

What is the pricing of

The pricing structure of varies based on the chosen utilization method, encompassing their online service, desktop application, API, and plugins. Distinct plans cater to diverse needs and budgetary considerations. A concise overview of their pricing is as follows:

  • Online Service: The website provides complimentary background removal for images, including 2 free credits that allow downloading full HD images. Each credit corresponds to either 1 image or 5 preview images. Expanding credit availability is achievable through referrals or by opting for subscription and top-up plans. Subscription plans commence at $11 monthly for 100 credits, scaling up to $1725 monthly for 50000 credits. Top-up plans start from $6 for 10 credits, reaching up to $1296 for 12000 credits. Unused credits retain validity during subscription or within a two-year span from purchase.
  • Desktop Application: The desktop application, available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, facilitates bulk processing by enabling the simultaneous handling of numerous images. Credit purchase is requisite for desktop application use, mirroring the pricing structure of the online service.
  • API: Integration of their API streamlines image processing within projects or workflows through concise code implementation. Similar to the online service, API usage necessitates credit acquisition.
  • Plugins: Designed for platforms like Adobe Photoshop, WordPress, Shopify, and WooCommerce, the plugins' functionality aligns with the online service. Like the other options, utilizing plugins entails credit procurement.

Additionally, extends unlimited solutions tailored to enterprise clientele and extensive projects, with specific details available upon direct inquiry. The platform extends a 14-day money-back guarantee and a trial period, allowing users to evaluate the service prior to making a purchase.

How do I buy credits on

Acquiring credits on involves two primary avenues: opting for a monthly subscription plan or selecting a top-up plan. The monthly subscription affords a designated credit allocation per month, with the provision for credits to roll over throughout the subscription period. Conversely, the top-up plan offers a fixed credit amount valid for a two-year duration from the date of purchase. These credits find utility in downloading full HD images and leveraging the API and applications compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux. Pricing for credits fluctuates based on the chosen plan and the quantity of credits selected, with comprehensive pricing details accessible on the platform's official website.

The process of procuring credits entails registration for a free account on An initial sign-up yields 2 complimentary credits without necessitating credit card information. Once registered, users can navigate to the pricing page to select their desired plan and credit quantity. Payment options encompass credit cards, PayPal, and various other methods. Successful payment prompts an email confirmation, subsequently enabling the utilization of credits for seamless and automatic background removal from images. Additionally, users can conveniently monitor their credit balance and transaction history via their dedicated account page.

What are the benefits of provides an array of advantageous features, encompassing:

  • Swift and Automated Background Removal: The platform streamlines the automatic removal of backgrounds from images, accomplishing the task within seconds.
  • Advanced AI and Computer Vision: Employing sophisticated artificial intelligence and computer vision algorithms, effectively detects image subjects and eliminates undesired elements.
  • Precision in Complex Edges: The tool excels in intricate elements like hair, fur, and complex edges, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
  • Custom Background Addition: Users can seamlessly introduce new backgrounds or designs post background removal.
  • Comprehensive Integration Options: offers a desktop application, API, and plugins that harmonize with diverse platforms and software, facilitating effortless integration into projects and workflows.
  • Varied Plans and Guarantees: accommodates diverse needs and budgets through an array of plans, underpinned by a 14-day money-back guarantee and a free trial alternative.
  • Trusted and Globally Recognized: enjoys a global reputation, earning trust from countless companies worldwide. It serves over 1 million users, contributing to the removal of 10 million backgrounds every month.

For more information about, visit their official website. Additionally, user reviews can be explored on platforms like and

Instantly remove image backgrounds with Slazzer - the AI background removal tool. Save time and boost efficiency in just 5 seconds.

Slazzer Integrations

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