
AI 3d Scene Generator

SceneDreamer: AI 3D scene generator delivers breathtaking landscapes seamlessly from 2D images.
AI 3d Scene Generator
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SceneDreamer, an AI 3D scene generator, revolutionizes the field by effortlessly transforming 2D image collections into breathtaking 3D landscapes. With its unconditional generative model, this tool flawlessly synthesizes expansive scenes with impeccable depth, absolute 3D consistency, and the freedom for camera movement. Astonishingly, SceneDreamer requires no 3D annotations and solely relies on real-world 2D images for training. Its remarkable performance is attributed to an advanced trifecta: an efficient 3D scene representation, an innovative generative scene parameterization, and a powerful renderer. Through a bird's-eye-view (BEV) representation that combines a height field and semantic field, SceneDreamer achieves unparalleled quadratic complexity, disentangling geometry and semantics for the most realistic portrayal. The generative neural hash grid seamlessly encodes generalizable features across scenes, while a meticulously trained neural volumetric renderer delivers mesmerizing photorealistic images. SceneDreamer's capabilities extend beyond limits, entrancing users with an infinite array of vibrant 3D worlds.
SceneDreamer: AI 3D scene generator delivers breathtaking landscapes seamlessly from 2D images.

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