
AI Translation Tool

Transform translations with ModernMT, the AI translation tool that delivers human-like accuracy and context-based translations. Enhance SEO with its single-model approach supporting 200 languages.
AI Translation Tool
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ModernMT, an innovative AI translation tool, revolutionizes the way we approach machine translation. Unlike traditional methods, it focuses on delivering a human-like translation experience by considering the entire document's context, not just individual sentences. By employing appropriate terminology, it significantly enhances the quality of translations. This remarkable tool ensures complete content ownership and data confidentiality, providing users with full control over their information while optimizing translated content for SEO. Its simplicity in management, scalability, and cost-effectiveness stems from its single-model approach that supports all languages and domains. What sets ModernMT apart is its groundbreaking "human-in-the-loop" approach, in which machine and human work collaboratively, yielding exceptional translation quality and streamlined processes. Garnering recognition from Gartner as a cool vendor, it is highly trusted by industry professionals. Supporting an impressive array of 200 languages and integrating seamlessly with CAT tools, ModernMT empowers translators to amplify their productivity and creativity. In summary, this cutting-edge AI translation tool delivers a comprehensive and secure solution for achieving unrivaled machine translation quality.

What is

ModernMT stands as a prominent enterprise translation AI system renowned for its adaptive nature to document context and translation style preferences. By integrating machine learning with human expertise, ModernMT achieves remarkable translation quality and process efficiency. For translators seeking to optimize their workflow, exploring ModernMT's solution could prove beneficial.

What are the features of

Key Features of

  1. Dynamic Adaptation: offers dynamic adaptation, enabling real-time adjustment to your data. This feature ensures the quality of highly customized engine outputs without the need for expensive training and maintenance.

  2. Human in the Loop Innovation: Low-confidence translations undergo continuous revision in the background, fostering improvement in the model over time through a genuine human-machine symbiosis.

  3. Document-Level Adaptation: Unlike focusing solely on individual sentences, considers the entire document's content for translations. This comprehensive approach ensures exceptional quality by utilizing the most suitable terminology.

  4. Security & Confidentiality: With, your data remains secure and confidential. The platform employs state-of-the-art encryption for cloud services and holds ISO 27001:2013 certification, ensuring adherence to stringent security standards.

  5. Seamless Integration: Translators can seamlessly integrate within their CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) tools. This integration enhances productivity and creativity by providing machine translation capabilities that learn from corrections.

What are the limitations of

ModernMT, as a robust machine translation (MT) solution, boasts numerous strengths, yet it's crucial to acknowledge its limitations:

  1. Adaptation Time and Effort: Despite its dynamic adaptation capabilities, ModernMT requires initial effort to tailor to specific domains and data. Users must invest time in fine-tuning the system for optimal results with their unique content.

  2. Data Leakage: Assessing MT systems can be challenging due to potential data leakage issues. Some evaluations utilize generic test data already seen during training, leading to overly optimistic performance estimates that may not reflect real-world scenarios accurately.

  3. Localization Use Case: While ModernMT aims to fulfill the high-quality and rapid responsiveness requirements of localization, success in this area varies among MT developers. Users should evaluate how well ModernMT aligns with their specific localization needs.

  4. Human Post-Editing: Despite learning from corrections, human post-editing remains essential for critical content. Like any MT system, ModernMT may generate occasional inaccuracies or stylistic issues requiring manual intervention.

  5. Language Pair Limitations: While supporting a broad range of languages, ModernMT may exhibit performance variations among language pairs. Users should verify its performance for their specific language combinations.

  6. Complex Content Handling: ModernMT employs document-level adaptation for context-aware translations, yet extremely complex or specialized content might still pose challenges. Users should assess its handling of technical jargon, industry-specific terminology, and nuanced language.

It's important to recognize that no MT system is flawless. ModernMT offers remarkable features and scalability, but its suitability should be evaluated based on specific needs and use cases.

How can I integrate into my existing workflow?

Integrating ModernMT into your existing workflow can be a smooth process, particularly if you utilize translation management systems or CAT tools supporting plugins or API integration. Here's a general guide on how to integrate ModernMT:

  1. API Integration: Utilize ModernMT's API to seamlessly integrate its translation services directly into your applications or workflows. Refer to the ModernMT API documentation for detailed instructions on setting up this integration.

  2. CAT Tool Plugins: If you employ CAT tools like Matecat or Trados, activate the ModernMT plugin. For instance, in Matecat, add ModernMT as a machine translation engine by purchasing a license key and configuring settings to synchronize translation memories and activate context analysis.

  3. Custom Integration: Opt for custom integration solutions for a more tailored approach. Collaborate with the ModernMT team to develop a solution aligning with your specific workflow requirements and needs.

  4. Training and Support: Post-integration, acquaint yourself with ModernMT's functionality and leverage any training or support provided by the provider to maximize system utilization.

Ensure to evaluate the unique aspects of your workflow and select the integration method best suited to your requirements. For further assistance, ModernMT's support team can offer tailored guidance based on your specific situation.

How much does cost?

ModernMT provides various pricing tiers tailored to diverse needs:

  1. APIs for Enterprises:
      - Features: Dynamic Adaptation allows real-time adjustment to data, while Human in the Loop involves professional translators correcting low-confidence translations.
      - Pricing: Starts at $15 per million characters for real-time translations.
      - Trial: Free trial available for one month.

  2. Plugins for CAT Tools:
      - Features: Seamless integration with CAT tools like Matecat and Trados.
      - Pricing: Starts from $15 per million characters.
      - Trial: Free trial available for one month.

  3. Adaptive Solution:
      - Features: Dynamic adaptation to content and context for unparalleled quality.
      - Pricing: Starts at $15 per million characters.
      - Trial: Free trial available for one month.

  4. Freelance Translator License:
      - Features: Tailored for freelance translators at a monthly fee of $25.
    ModernMT leads the market in responsive machine translation, leveraging a unique human-in-the-loop approach to ensure exceptional quality and process efficiency. Supporting 200 languages and boasting a simple yet robust API, ModernMT prioritizes data security and compliance with GDPR and ISO 27001 standards. For translators, integrating ModernMT into CAT tools can significantly enhance productivity and creativity.

Transform translations with ModernMT, the AI translation tool that delivers human-like accuracy and context-based translations. Enhance SEO with its single-model approach supporting 200 languages.

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