
AI Math Tutoring Tool

Querium: AI Math Tutoring Tool improving STEM learning outcomes, with personalized adaptive tutoring & diagnostic assessments.
AI Math Tutoring Tool
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Querium, an innovative AI math tutoring tool, revolutionizes STEM learning outcomes for students by delivering personalized, adaptive tutoring. By offering a StepWise engine that promptly detects errors, it eliminates confusion and frustration. Querium provides students with affordable learning resources, generating thousands of unique math problems for practice. Leveraging the power of AI, the tool assesses individual strengths and weaknesses through diagnostic questions, crafting a customized lesson plan. Seamlessly integrating with popular online learning platforms, it equips instructors with insightful data on problem-solving abilities and skill levels. Demonstrating its effectiveness, Querium's StepWise AI boosts standardized test scores, math course pass rates, and overall grades. Aimed at public school students, teachers, and parents, this free tool strives to enable students to qualify for lucrative careers in STEM fields.

What is querium.com?

Querium is an educational platform dedicated to enhancing students' mastery of critical math and science skills. At its core is the StepWise Virtual Tutor, an AI-driven mobile learning tool that replicates expert teaching through personalized lessons and practice tests in STEM subjects like Math and Science, available 24/7. It adapts to each student's progress, offering tailored learning paths and insightful data to educators. Querium integrates seamlessly with leading online systems such as Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle, using HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript for compatibility. Their free AI Tutor for Math has shown to boost standardized test scores and improve pass rates, supporting their mission to make affordable learning tools accessible to all students for academic success and beyond.

How does AI tutor of querium.com work?

Querium's AI tutor, the StepWise Virtual Tutor, functions with a focus on personalized learning paths tailored to individual student proficiency levels. It dynamically adjusts to each student's learning pace, identifying areas needing improvement and customizing the learning experience accordingly. StepWise offers concise, topic-specific lessons that break down complex concepts into manageable segments, enhancing accessibility and comprehension. Through practice tests, students receive immediate feedback to pinpoint errors and strengthen their understanding. Available 24/7, the tutor supports flexible learning outside traditional classroom hours. Moreover, Querium seamlessly integrates with leading learning management systems (LMS) such as Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle via LTI standards, underscoring its commitment to accessible, high-quality education for all students.

What kind of data does querium.com collect?

Querium systematically collects and analyzes data concerning student interactions with its StepWise Virtual Tutor, focusing on several key areas. It tracks performance metrics such as correct and incorrect answers, time spent on lessons, and progress through personalized learning paths. The platform also examines usage patterns, including frequency of access, specific study topics, and preferred learning times, to optimize the learning experience. Diagnostic data gathered by Querium provides insights into student understanding, enabling adjustments to lessons and learning paths for better educational outcomes.

All student data undergoes anonymization and aggregation to safeguard privacy, ensuring individual identities remain confidential. Querium adheres rigorously to privacy guidelines and regulatory standards, prioritizing the protection of student information. This commitment underscores Querium’s dedication to improving learning outcomes through data-driven insights while upholding strict privacy measures.

How does querium.com ensure data privacy?

Querium places a high priority on safeguarding student information through rigorous data privacy measures:

  1. Anonymization: Student data undergoes anonymization to protect individual identities, maintaining confidentiality.

  2. Aggregated Data: Querium collects and analyzes data in aggregated form for research and improvement purposes. This approach ensures that insights are derived from group-level data rather than individual student records.

  3. Privacy Compliance: The platform strictly adheres to relevant privacy regulations, safeguarding student rights and ensuring legal compliance.

  4. Strict Guidelines: Querium implements strict guidelines to prevent unauthorized access and misuse of data, maintaining the integrity and security of student information.

Querium's commitment lies in leveraging data responsibly to enhance learning outcomes while upholding stringent privacy standards.

What other security measures does querium.com have in place?

Querium implements robust security measures to safeguard student data and ensure a secure learning environment:

  1. Access Controls: Access to Querium is restricted to authorized personnel only, with user roles and permissions carefully managed to limit access appropriately.

  2. Encryption: All data transmitted between users and the platform is encrypted using industry-standard protocols like HTTPS, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity.

  3. Regular Audits: Querium conducts frequent security audits to proactively identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities, maintaining a secure environment for users.

  4. Incident Response: The platform has a well-defined incident response plan in place to swiftly address and mitigate any security breaches or incidents that may occur.

  5. User Authentication: Strong authentication mechanisms are employed to prevent unauthorized access to student accounts, enhancing overall system security.

Querium maintains a steadfast commitment to both enhancing learning outcomes and ensuring robust security measures are in place to protect student data and provide a safe online learning environment.

Querium: AI Math Tutoring Tool improving STEM learning outcomes, with personalized adaptive tutoring & diagnostic assessments.

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