Business Management ChatGPT Plugin
BUZZ.NEW: A smart business creator for efficient business management, simplifying inventory management, order handling, and overall business operations.
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BUZZ.NEW: A smart business creator for efficient business management, simplifying inventory management, order handling, and overall business operations.

The ChatGPT plugin called Buzz.NEW is a powerful tool for businesses to streamline their operations and manage inventory and orders effectively. It offers the convenience of managing your business directly from your chat interface, providing a virtual assistant-like experience. This plugin is beneficial for both small business owners and managers in larger companies, offering a seamless way to handle business processes.

To use the Buzz.NEW plugin, you start by creating your business through a single command. This involves providing basic information such as the business name, a unique alias, description, email address, and WhatsApp number. You can also list your products and categories at this stage. Once your business is set up, customers can easily place orders by providing your business alias and order details, which the plugin will handle automatically.

Additionally, customers can send questions directly to your business using the plugin, allowing you to respond promptly. If you ever want to delete your business from the system, you can do so by providing the business alias and email address. Overall, the Buzz.NEW ChatGPT plugin offers a user-friendly solution for managing businesses efficiently and making the daily workflow smoother.

BUZZ.NEW Developer Info

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BUZZ.NEW ChatGPT Prompt Ideas

Example Prompt 1: "Create a business named 'Luna's Bakery' with the alias 'bakeryluna', description 'Delicious homemade baked goods', email '', and WhatsApp number '+123456789'."

Result: The Buzz.NEW plugin will create a business named "Luna's Bakery" with the provided information, including the alias, description, email address, and WhatsApp number.

Example Prompt 2: "List the products and categories available at 'Luna's Bakery'."

Result: The Buzz.NEW plugin will display a list of the products and categories available at "Luna's Bakery."

Example Prompt 3: "Place an order for 'Luna's Bakery' with the alias 'bakeryluna', including 2 chocolate cupcakes and 1 apple pie."

Result: The Buzz.NEW plugin will automatically handle the order process for "Luna's Bakery", taking into account the alias, products, and quantities mentioned in the prompt.

Example Prompt 4: "Send a question to 'Luna's Bakery' regarding the availability of gluten-free options."

Result: The Buzz.NEW plugin will forward the question to "Luna's Bakery" and allow the business to respond promptly.

Example Prompt 5: "Delete the business with the alias 'bakeryluna' and the email address ''."

Result: The Buzz.NEW plugin will remove the business "Luna's Bakery" from the system, using the provided alias and email address.

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