Video Captions

YouTube Video Transcription ChatGPT Plugin
Convert Youtube links into transcribed text, create chapters, summarize content, and enable asking questions.
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Convert Youtube links into transcribed text, create chapters, summarize content, and enable asking questions.

The ChatGPT plugin, Video Captions, is a versatile tool that enables users to transcribe the spoken content of YouTube videos into text. By installing this plugin, users can easily obtain a text version of any YouTube video, making it accessible for various purposes such as for individuals who prefer reading, are hard of hearing, or are learning a new language. The plugin allows users to specify video segments to transcribe, include timestamps in the transcription, and even ask questions, create chapters, or summarize the video's content.

To use the Video Captions plugin, users can search for it in the ChatGPT plugin store and install it or simply activate it by clicking the "try it" button. After activation, users need to provide the YouTube video ID for the video they want to transcribe. If the video is long, users can transcribe it in parts by specifying the segment number. Users also have the option to include timestamps in the transcription by setting the 'includeTimestamp' parameter to true. Once the parameters are set, the plugin will transcribe the video, allowing users to read, analyze, or save the transcription as per their needs.

Overall, the Video Captions plugin enhances the accessibility and usability of video content by providing a convenient way to obtain a text version of YouTube videos. It empowers users to engage with video content more comprehensively and efficiently while accommodating different accessibility needs. Whether for educational purposes, tutorials, or entertainment, the plugin ensures that every word of a YouTube video is easily accessible and usable.

Video Captions Developer Info

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Video Captions ChatGPT Prompt Ideas

Prompt 1:
Example: "Transcribe the spoken content of a YouTube video using the Video Captions plugin and save the transcription as a text file."
Result: The Video Captions plugin transcribes the spoken content of the specified YouTube video and saves it as a text file that can be easily accessed and used.

Prompt 2:
Example: "Include timestamps in the transcription of a YouTube video using the Video Captions plugin."
Result: By setting the 'includeTimestamp' parameter to true, the Video Captions plugin adds timestamps to the transcription, making it easier to locate specific parts of the video based on the timestamps.

Prompt 3:
Example: "Transcribe only a specific segment of a long YouTube video using the Video Captions plugin."
Result: Users can specify the segment number when transcribing a long YouTube video, allowing them to transcribe and access only the desired portion of the video using the Video Captions plugin.

Prompt 4:
Example: "Ask questions about a YouTube video and obtain answers using the Video Captions plugin."
Result: In addition to transcribing the spoken content, the Video Captions plugin enables users to ask questions related to the video and receive answers, enhancing the interactive and informative aspect of engaging with YouTube videos.

Prompt 5:
Example: "Summarize the content of a YouTube video using the Video Captions plugin."
Result: The Video Captions plugin not only provides a transcription of the video but also offers the ability to summarize the content, allowing users to quickly grasp the main points and key information without going through the entire transcription.

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