Open Trivia

Trivia Question ChatGPT Plugin
A ChatGPT plugin that fetches trivia questions of different categories and difficulty levels.
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A ChatGPT plugin that fetches trivia questions of different categories and difficulty levels.

The ChatGPT plugin called Open Trivia is a fantastic tool for trivia lovers. By accessing its extensive database of questions, users can fetch trivia questions of varying difficulty levels and categories. Whether you want to challenge yourself or impress your friends, Open Trivia is the perfect way to keep your brain active while having fun. You can use this plugin to request a set number of trivia questions and customize the category, difficulty, and type of questions you prefer. For instance, if you're interested in 10 medium difficulty multiple-choice questions from the "Science & Nature" category, you can specify that in your request.

To enhance your experience, Open Trivia provides a session token feature. This token ensures that you don't receive the same questions repeatedly. By requesting a session token when you first start using the plugin, it helps remember the questions you have already seen. If you start noticing repeated questions, you can simply reset the token to receive a fresh set of trivia.

Open Trivia understands that sometimes questions may be encoded. But, no worries! The plugin can decode these questions for you upon request. The ultimate goal of the Open Trivia plugin is to make learning enjoyable and engaging. Therefore, feel free to explore different categories and difficulty levels to make the most out of your quizzing experience. Happy trivia!

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Open Trivia ChatGPT Prompt Ideas

Example 1: "Give me 5 easy difficulty true or false trivia questions from the 'Entertainment: Music' category."

This prompt will tell the Open Trivia plugin to fetch 5 true or false trivia questions from the 'Entertainment: Music' category with an easy difficulty level.

Example 2: "I want to challenge myself with 20 hard difficulty multiple-choice trivia questions from the 'History' category. Fetch them for me."

This prompt will instruct the plugin to retrieve 20 multiple-choice trivia questions from the 'History' category with a hard difficulty level.

Example 3: "Decode the following question for me: U2Vzc2lvbnMgaXMgYSBkZWFsIHVzZWQgb3ZlciBhIG5lZWQgcmVxdWVzdCB0cml2aWEgcXVlc3Rpb24."

This prompt requests the plugin to decode the given encoded question. The decoded question will then be provided as the response.

Example 4: "I need 15 medium difficulty multiple-choice trivia questions from the 'Science: Computers' category. Make sure to provide a session token to avoid repetition."

This prompt ensures that the Open Trivia plugin fetches 15 multiple-choice trivia questions with a medium difficulty level from the 'Science: Computers' category while utilizing a session token to prevent receiving repeated questions.

Example 5: "Reset my session token. I want a fresh set of 10 easy difficulty true or false trivia questions from the 'Sports' category."

This prompt instructs the plugin to reset the session token and then fetches a fresh set of 10 easy difficulty true or false trivia questions from the 'Sports' category.

Alternatives to Open Trivia ChatGPT Plugin

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