Prompt Hotkey

Custom Hotkeys ChatGPT Plugin
This ChatGPT plugin allows you to create custom hotkeys for prompts, saving you time by eliminating the need to repeat prompts.
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This ChatGPT plugin allows you to create custom hotkeys for prompts, saving you time by eliminating the need to repeat prompts.

The ChatGPT plugin, Prompt Hotkey, is a versatile tool designed to streamline and personalize your AI interactions. It allows you to create custom shortcuts, or "hotkeys", that trigger specific prompts. This plugin is extremely useful for users who frequently use certain prompts and want to access them quickly and conveniently.

To use the Prompt Hotkey plugin, you need to first install it from the ChatGPT plugin store or by clicking the "try it" button. Once activated, you can create your own hotkeys by typing 'add' or 'create' followed by the hotkey and the prompt you want it to trigger. You can then use these hotkeys by typing 'hotkey' followed by the hotkey name, and the plugin will replace it with the associated prompt.

With Prompt Hotkey, you can effectively manage and customize your prompts. You can view all your hotkeys and their associated prompts by saying 'get all' or 'list all'. Additionally, you have the ability to delete a hotkey by typing 'delete' followed by the hotkey you want to remove.

Overall, Prompt Hotkey is a powerful tool that automates and personalizes your ChatGPT experience. By allowing you to access your favorite prompts quickly and with ease, it enhances the efficiency and enjoyment of your interactions with AI.

Prompt Hotkey Developer Info

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Prompt Hotkey ChatGPT Prompt Ideas

Example prompt 1:
Hotkey "intro"
This prompt will create a hotkey named "intro" that triggers a predefined introduction prompt. So, whenever the user types "hotkey intro", the plugin will replace it with the introduction prompt.

Example prompt 2:
Add hotkey "joke" - "Tell me a joke, please!"
This prompt will create a hotkey named "joke" that triggers the request for a joke. Whenever the user types "hotkey joke", the plugin will replace it with the prompt "Tell me a joke, please!".

Example prompt 3:
Create hotkey "reminder" - "Remind me to buy groceries after work today"
This prompt will create a hotkey named "reminder" that triggers the reminder to buy groceries after work today. When the user types "hotkey reminder", the plugin will replace it with the prompt "Remind me to buy groceries after work today".

Example prompt 4:
List all hotkeys
This prompt will display a list of all the user's created hotkeys and their associated prompts. When the user types "get all" or "list all", the plugin will show all the registered hotkeys.

Example prompt 5:
Delete hotkey "joke"
This prompt will delete the hotkey named "joke". When the user types "delete joke", the plugin will remove the "joke" hotkey from the list of registered hotkeys.

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