
Book Search ChatGPT Plugin
A plugin that enables interaction with a vast books database, facilitating listing, content retrieval, and book searching.
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A plugin that enables interaction with a vast books database, facilitating listing, content retrieval, and book searching.

The ChatGPT plugin makes it easy to navigate and interact with the Ukr-School-Books database, which is a comprehensive collection of Ukrainian school books. This plugin offers a range of features and benefits to users, whether they are students, teachers, or simply literature enthusiasts. With the plugin, you can access a virtual library to find books based on specific criteria such as grade and type. You can also learn about authors by requesting their biographies or even generate random book suggestions.

To use the plugin, start by deciding what you're looking for, whether it's a particular grade, type of book, or information about an author. Then, interact with the plugin by asking for specific requests. For example, you can say, "Show me all the books for grade 7, type literature" or "Give me the biography of J.K. Rowling." The plugin will respond with the information you requested, and you can continue the conversation to explore more books, get additional author biographies, or receive random book suggestions.

With the ChatGPT plugin, Ukrainian school books become easily accessible and searchable. It provides a convenient way for users to navigate the database, discover new books, and gain knowledge about authors. This plugin serves as a valuable tool for those involved in education or simply passionate about literature, offering an engaging and user-friendly experience. So, dive into this bookworm's paradise and let the ChatGPT plugin assist you in exploring the world of Ukrainian school books!

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Ukr-School-Books ChatGPT Prompt Ideas

1. Example prompt: "Show me all the books for grade 9, type math."
- This prompt will instruct the plugin to display a list of all the math books available for grade 9 in the Ukr-School-Books database.

2. Example prompt: "Give me the biography of Taras Shevchenko."
- This prompt will request the plugin to provide the biography of Taras Shevchenko, a famous Ukrainian author, poet, and artist.

3. Example prompt: "Find me a random book suggestion."
- This prompt will prompt the plugin to generate a random book suggestion from the Ukr-School-Books database, allowing the user to explore and discover new books.

4. Example prompt: "What literature books are available for grade 11?"
- This prompt will direct the plugin to list all the literature books available specifically for grade 11 in the Ukr-School-Books database.

5. Example prompt: "Can I find books by Yuriy Tarnawsky here?"
- This prompt will ask the plugin if it's possible to find books written by Yuriy Tarnawsky, an Ukrainian author, in the Ukr-School-Books database. The plugin will respond with either a list of books or information indicating if the author's works are available in the database.

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