
AI Chatgpt Platform

Discover and share the best AI prompts for ChatGPT on 2023 - the ultimate ChatGPT platform.
AI Chatgpt Platform
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Discover and share the best prompts for ChatGPT on 2023. Become a ChatGPT superhero with our community-run platform. Get the most out of chatgpt by OpenAI.

What is is a website presenting itself as an online hub catering to GPT and prompt engineers. It adopts a forum-style platform for communication, facilitating users to exchange, uncover, and utilize reputed ChatGPT prompts available online. The platform asserts its utilization of GPT-4, a robust natural language generation model purportedly capable of crafting exceptional content. However, it's important to note that the authenticity and reliability of remain unverified, hence users are advised to exercise discretion when engaging with the platform.

How does work?

Based on web search results, facilitates users in creating and utilizing prompts for ChatGPT, a prominent natural language generation model. A prompt serves as a textual input guiding the model to generate a desired output, ranging from essays and poems to code or chat responses. The platform operates as a forum where users can exchange, explore, and employ top-rated prompts across different domains and purposes. Additionally, users have the ability to rate, comment on existing prompts, and request new ones from the community. purportedly leverages GPT-4, the latest iteration of ChatGPT, for generating prompt outputs.

How can I create a prompt on

To create a prompt on, adhere to the following steps:

  1. Sign up for a free account on, or log in if you already possess one.
  2. Navigate to the Create button located at the top right corner of the website.
  3. Select a category for your prompt from options like Education, Business, Entertainment, etc.
  4. Craft a concise and engaging title along with a descriptive explanation elucidating the purpose and usage of the prompt.
  5. Input the prompt text in the designated Prompt box. This text serves as the guiding input for ChatGPT to generate the desired output. You can employ variables, keywords, and special symbols for customization.
  6. Provide an example output in the Output box, which ChatGPT will generate based on your prompt. Utilize the Generate button to preview and validate the output.
  7. Conclude by clicking the Publish button to store and share your prompt with other users. Additionally, you retain the option to edit or delete your prompt at a later time if necessary.

How much does cost?

Based on web search findings, provides users with various pricing plans tailored to their requirements and preferences. The platform offers a free basic plan enabling users to create and utilize up to 10 prompts monthly. Additionally, premium plans are available, ranging from $9.99 to $99.99 per month, offering enhanced features such as unlimited prompts, custom domains, analytics, and support. Notably, premium plans employ a per-unit billing structure, where users are charged solely for the units they sell through A unit refers to a property or apartment that users can exhibit using the platform's interactive content. The pricing of a unit slot varies based on the number of slots purchased and the chosen pricing plan, with the unit price decreasing as users acquire more slots.

What are the benefits of

Some benefits of using include:

  1. Prompt Creation: Users can generate and employ prompts for ChatGPT, a natural language generation model known for facilitating the creation of high-quality content.

  2. Forum Platform: The website offers a forum-style platform enabling users to share, explore, and utilize top-rated prompts across diverse domains such as education, business, and entertainment.

  3. Utilization of GPT-4: claims to leverage GPT-4, the latest iteration of ChatGPT, renowned for its enhanced power and versatility compared to earlier versions.

  4. Flexible Pricing Plans: The platform provides a range of pricing plans tailored to user needs and preferences. It utilizes a per-unit billing model, ensuring users only pay for the units they sell through the platform.

  5. Community Engagement: It serves as an online community for GPT and prompt engineers, fostering learning opportunities, feedback exchange, and prompt requests among users.

Discover and share the best AI prompts for ChatGPT on 2023 - the ultimate ChatGPT platform.

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